
AquaSmart is South East Water’s water efficiency and environmental programme, currently aimed at Key Stage 1 children.

The programme has missions and activities for children to complete with the aim of educating and changing behaviours from an early age. Our aim is to encourage children to be water efficient and help the environment!

For teachers: there is a teacher guide, 5 teacher feedback sheets, a spot the difference answer sheet and a quiz answer sheet. There’s also an overall feedback sheet.

For children: there are 5 activity sheets, 5 activity feedback sheets and 1 quiz sheet.

Once completed please send your feedback sheets to:

AquaSmart, South East Water, Rocfort Road, Snodland, Kent, ME6 5AH

or email them to:

We can then send children certificates for completing all activities and an overall certificate for the school. If your school is within a South East Water supply area please do get in touch to see how we can support your school with further resources.

The AquaSmart programme and the Aquanauts are brought to you by South East Water.

For more ways to save water and to get involved click the learn more button below.

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